Proverbs 27:17
"As iron sharpens iron,
so a friend sharpens a friend."
Our men's ministry, IRONMEN, believes that if we can reclaim the men, not just back to church, but to a relationship with Jesus, we will see entire families and the church restored. We have allowed the enemy to come in and steal our families through divorce and addictions. Mostly because men are not being the men that God created us to be.
We are out to change that, by sharpening each other with the Word of God and through fellowship and friendship with each other. Being a man of God is a lifestyle that is fun and rewarding.
If you are a man looking for a place to fit in, join us at the church on every 3rd Monday @ 6:30 pm. Some of us also go to a men's breakfast each month that meets at different churches around the Temple/Waco area. On the 2nd Monday of each month some of the men travel to Waco for Legacy Outfitters which is an outdoorsmen ministry (But you don't have to be an outdoorsman to attend.)